Database Kennels Registration
Welcome to the database of Zwergschnauzers !


This database had been created to provide a complete information about the breed, with a lot of additional functions, and rare search functions.

Please send all comments, critics and bugs to the following addresses:


Dear users, a new section has been added to the pages of dogs: Health & Genetic tests. Information in the section is added only by administrators on the basis of documents sent by dog owners to the email address specified in the Introduction.
We will also welcome your suggestions and suggestions on the functioning of the new section and the composition of inspections.

We adds French interface language. If you find any mistakes in translation, please write at:

Today the Spanish interface language has been added. Big thanks to Jose Ignacio for it ! With any questions about Spanish interface please write here:

There are new function have been added to the database: Multi-languages interface. At first we add Russian interface to the Database, and we plans to add some other languages.

Attention !
Instead of the localization of Database interface, all data are still holds and must enters only in English !


Without registration you can use this database, but only to view information. To add informations about zwergschnauzers, you must register in the database. Remember, that the dogs, that you will add, will be seen in the database only after the confirmation of administrator.

Dogs in base: 97654

Brad's Little Schatzi
R434163 10-66
Kayandriya Norma Jean
Kayandriya SIMONA KIRA
Blackgalaxy Undercover Agent - N
JR 79098 Pš
Kayandriya Europeum Tini

3 TOP SIRES - Pepper & Salt
3 sires, having biggest number of offspring in the base in last 50 years

Marko v.d. Steinhäger Heide
105 Offspring in database
Arco v. Strothbach
85 Offspring in database
Russkiy Assorti'c Makentosh
79 Offspring in database

3 TOP SIRES - Black
3 sires, having biggest number of offspring in the base in last 50 years

Gloris Kiss In The Ring
110 Offspring in database
Dreamkiss Here I Go Again
95 Offspring in database
Xmas v.d.Havenstad
94 Offspring in database

3 TOP SIRES - Black & Silver
3 sires, having biggest number of offspring in the base in last 50 years

Statu Quo de Akra Leuka
88 Offspring in database
Schnauzi's Pyewacket
84 Offspring in database
Chatifa Bar Luz
84 Offspring in database

3 TOP SIRES - White
3 sires, having biggest number of offspring in the base in last 50 years

Hops v. Bommerholz
77 Offspring in database
Zappa v.d. Spikke
46 Offspring in database
Lumpi v. Rhedaer Tor
39 Offspring in database
Яндекс.Метрика Web scripts ''Virtual breed database 2.0'' - Copyright ©, 2004-2025 Y.Semenov - All rights reserved. // Site opens 17, Dec 2004