| SHSB - Schweizerisches Hunde-Stammbuch (Swiss studbook) - XXV - 1926 |
COI (Wright)
Fels v.d. Goldbachhöhe Pepper & Salt PSZ ZS 10191921 |
Bolt v. Annenhof Pepper & Salt PSZ ZS 2321920 |
 Linus Chemnitz-Plauen ''Trumpf II'' Other color PZ 3615, color: Dark / PSZ ZS 1141915 |
 GER CH Trumpf Chemnitz-Plauen Other color PZ 2024, color: Red-Yellow with single Black hairs1912 |
Motte v. Goldbachtal Pepper & Salt PZ 28441913 |
GER CH, Sieger(in) Grille v. Hohndorf (v. Annenhof) Other color PZ 3521, color: Black with brown / PSZ ZS 1081918 |
Stüber Plavia Black PZ 3270 / PSZ ZS 171916 |
Resie Plavia Black PZ 3336 / PSZ ZS 351917 |
Gretel v.d. Goldbachhöhe
PZ 995 |
 Linus Chemnitz-Plauen ''Trumpf II'' Other color PZ 3615, color: Dark / PSZ ZS 1141915 |
 GER CH Trumpf Chemnitz-Plauen Other color PZ 2024, color: Red-Yellow with single Black hairs1912 |
Motte v. Goldbachtal Pepper & Salt PZ 28441913 |
Lotte v. Grund
Gerta v.d. Goldbachhöhe Pepper & Salt PSZ ZS 10221922 |
Bolt v. Annenhof Pepper & Salt PSZ ZS 2321920 |
 Linus Chemnitz-Plauen ''Trumpf II'' Other color PZ 3615, color: Dark / PSZ ZS 1141915 |
 GER CH Trumpf Chemnitz-Plauen Other color PZ 2024, color: Red-Yellow with single Black hairs1912 |
Motte v. Goldbachtal Pepper & Salt PZ 28441913 |
GER CH, Sieger(in) Grille v. Hohndorf (v. Annenhof) Other color PZ 3521, color: Black with brown / PSZ ZS 1081918 |
Stüber Plavia Black PZ 3270 / PSZ ZS 171916 |
Resie Plavia Black PZ 3336 / PSZ ZS 351917 |
Dienel v.d. Goldbachhöhe Other color PSZ ZS 994, color: Black with Gray1920 |
Benno v Hohenstein
PZ no registration |
Muck v.d. Goldbach Black PZ1906 |
Flinka v. Hohenstein
PZ no origins |
Nixel v.d. Goldbachhöhe
PSZ ZS no registration |
Last update was 17.09.2021 | Father:
Years of life:
26.07.1924 - 00.00.1925
Pedigree number:
PSZ ZS 1914 / 553473 12-26
Pepper & Salt
Rudolph Krappatsch
Marie E. Lewis (Slattery)
United States of America
Offspring in database:
2 males 2 females